Modern physicians, as a rule, "treat" the symptoms of diseases, rather than looking for their causes. Future doctors did not learn this in institutes. For example, the presence of parasites in the human body can manifest itself under the guise of various diseases. Let's take a look at the most common.
But don't panic immediately and conclude that all of your wounds are caused by parasites. It is necessary to conduct a thorough examination, organize fasting days, for example, on water or juice. Watch your body's response.
Signs of the presence of parasites in the human body
- The cause of asthma is often a fluke parasite that lives in the human liver.
- In people with cancer, the gastrointestinal tract is blocked by dry stools, which is an attractive environment for parasites.
- From the lack of silicon, which "devours" worms, diseases like eczema and psoriasis can develop in the human body.
- Rare stools can occur as a result of a heavy helminthic infestation, which blocks the bile and the intestinal tract, causing constipation.
- Everyone thinks that diarrhea is a way to get rid of infections in the body or a consequence of eating poor quality food. This is usually the case, but it also happens that the symptoms of frequent watery stools are the function of the worms, producing hormone-like substances causing loss of sodium and chloride.
- As a result of finding more convenient habitats, and therefore the movement of parasites through the body, joint and muscle pain may appear, often attributed to arthritis. The attractive environment for them is joint fluid and muscles.
Due to irritation of the intestinal membranes by parasites, undigested molecules may enter them. As a result, the body activates a protective function, which manifests itself in the production of protective cells - eosinophils. They cause tissue inflammation, which in turn leads to allergies.
- The presence of worms in the intestines can cause many skin diseases.
- Impotence is a consequence of feeding Trichomonas on semen.
- Poor sleep, waking up in the middle of the night, usually 2 to 3 hours, can serve as a signal for the presence of parasites, which the body gets rid of with the help of the liver.
- Chronic fatigue and weakened immunity can also be symptoms of the presence of strangers.
- Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the spinal cord and brain. Scientists have found that the cause of this disease may be trematodes that reach and multiply in the brain and spinal cord. These parasites enter the human body along with dairy products. They also cause depression and irritability.
Parasite prevention
Parasites "live" in the organs of almost any person. Unfortunately, even babies still in the womb cannot be protected from damage from even the simplest single-celled parasites. To destroy them, of course, one cannot resort to pills, radiation and other actions.
The number of parasites in the human body is increasing and increasing. There are many, as a result of which diseases and organ malfunctions occur. If you really want to do pest control cleaning, one cleaning session won't do. This issue should be approached comprehensively, preferably under the supervision of a specialist. And so that the "worms" do not start to multiply again, you need to change your diet, ideally switching to a raw diet or eating a plant-based diet for a while.

Clean wormwood and cloves from pests at home
Of course, this is very necessary. Even if you are not sick and do not have any of the above symptoms, it is still necessary to carry out preventive actions with the whole family twice a year at the same time. We suggest you use the following simple recipe:
Take 1 teaspoon for 21 days. bitter wormwood (for adults with a slide, for children - without) and dry cloves, washed in plain water, before dinner. First absinthe, then clove. After that, start your meal, the food will help get rid of the bitterness in the mouth.
The wormwood will help kill the adults, while the cloves will kill their eggs and larvae.
You may feel lightness and a surge of energy from the second week.
WARNING!It is not recommended to get carried away by this method and drink herbs for more than 21 days, since beneficial microorganisms in the human body may die.
Why exactly before dinner? The point is, parasites are more active in the dark.
Why should herbs be taken in dry form? As you know, heat treatment removes many useful substances from plant products.
Monitor the health of your body and it will respond with gratitude.