Parasites – it's the simplest organisms, viruses, fungi helena worms, which are parasitic on/in a person. For them we are a kind of "home", "the cuckoo", where you can settle down and live happily ever after unilaterally. Can be both external (lice, leeches, bedbugs, etc.), the so-called ectoparasites; and internal (endoparasites).
This species has the property to accumulate in the human body, choosing from favorites, hard-to-reach places of the intestine, internal organs, mucus, where it rarely "sticks out somebody", and even drugs.
Together with their "buddies" — the toxins and slag, which are engaged in the direct development of chronic diseases, which are able to for a long time will not bother, because this process is slow, but once the "shoot" in the form of an unexpected heart attack helena deterioration.
Even from this small amount of information raises a logical question: "How do you decide to leave with these interesami once and forever, yes, so that way they forgot back.
For every action, there is always some resistance, that's why we offer to Your attention an overview of the best remedies for anti-parasitic cleansing of the organism to the year 2020.
Let's wrestle with these "uninvited" guests, and still to look for the "who – whom".
Cleanliness – the guarantee of just
Cleanliness – was, is and will be a guarantee of health.
If you imagine that we are with you — "the house", then it must be beautiful on the outside and purely sandwiched inside. And that the housing remained as long, won't be "making a mess" in it. in Other words, slags your body disposes to the formation, the growth of the pathogenic microflora.
In normal quantities it's not even necessary for normal vital functions. But if the balance is violated, then creates a favorable environment for the parasites, who will feel very comfortable.
Unpleasant "gifts"
Depending on the habitats and species of infection in the body appear relevant parasites and start to exercise its activities on:
- the absorption of nutrients;
- the elimination of toxins, improve their concentration;
- the emergence of various tumors;
- the development of gastric, intestinal diseases;
- the formation of mucus;
- the accumulation of dead cells;
- conquering the liver;
- development of dysbiosis; Aids, cancer;
- diseases of the joints, muscles, inflammation;
- the occurrence of cystitis, pyelonephritis, gazoobrazovania, constipation, diarrhea;
- the growth of tumors in the form of cysts;
- the accompanying unpleasant odor from the mouth, when sweating, defecation, relief from gas;
- the granting of acne and advanced acne at a dermal level of the stands are;
- decrease in immunity;
- the formation of anemia;
- the development of allergies.

The list of unpleasant "gifts" is much broader. But even from this list it is enough to become a direct guide to action.
For victory over the enemy" it is necessary to know your weaknesses and strengths: likes (to get rid of this) and what loses power (to amplify the attack).
The strengths and weaknesses of the parasites
When "favorable" the internal environment of the organism, parasites feel very well and are ready to develop their negative activities.
Their strong, and is capable of reproduction:
- overeating;
- excessive use of sweets;
- food intake without the scheme;
- a mixed diet;
- preference for cakes, dessert, rolls, white bread and pasta products;
- love for canned food, sweet carbonated drinks, etc.
All things, which gradually leads to the distortion of taste sensations and preferences. This is the basic path to education worm clusters.
So the source of infection may be:
- availability is not progestogenic enabled;
- it is not observance of personal hygiene;
- harmful habits.
It all sees to the dissemination of the acidic environment in the body, the processes of putrefaction and decay, as popular and necessary for the microbial parasites.
Their name is known
Split endoparasites can into two large groups:
- protozoa (giardia, amoeba, Trichomonas, etc.);
- worm-like (worms, tapeworms).
They have enough different dimensions: from microscopic to monumental, depending on the species.
In his "class" has about 400 species. The most common of them are helminths:
- round, small size – ascaris, pinworms, etc.;
- tape – bullish, pig, dwarf apni;
- happiness – liver, lung, blood, intestinal.
How to avoid meeting
The cause of helminthiasis are dirty hands, a reminder of the washing of which, especially before meals, tirelessly sounds from our caring grandmothers and moms. Helena through broken skin, slimy.
I'm sure cleaning the helena processing:
- hands after visiting the toilet, walking on the street;
- dishes for preparation and consumption of food;
- the space in which they reside;
- before the use of the domestic milk;
- products used in raw form: fruits, vegetables, leafy;
- meat, fish, lard, eggs before cooking helena salting;
- after contact with animals (domestic helena street), insect bites.

The exceptions include:
- bathing in the wrong places, swallowing them water;
- boating downhill of the house in street shoes;
- access to the products, flies or cockroaches;
- the use of feces as fertilizer in the garden section.
Compliance with these measures, which should enter you in the habit of each, will help you avoid "meeting", and further "cohabitation" with endoparasites helena their larvae.
After all, in addition to the liver and digestive system, they can settle in:
- muscles;
- eyes;
- the brain;
- blood;
- joints;
- lungs;
- the heart of man.
Agree, not too pleasant surroundings.
The availability of pathogenic flora in the body – it is a phenomenon normal, or one of the human body is no exception.
The cause of the excitement can become just a new imbalance in the body and "drag the blanket to yourself," parasitic clumps.
We offer You to take a test to determine the symptoms which will tell about the current breach of balance, and the overall assessment of the state of the organism.
After each question, check the appropriate score:
"no" — 0;
"sometimes" — 1;
"yes" — 2.
- Present I have morning sickness is accompanied by a zdf cleaning of the teeth and the food unpleasant feelings?
- Characteristic zdf you the pallor of the skin, lips, helena gums?
- You have anemia, and lends itself, zdf is it treatable medicines?
- Own, zdf will give you a feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area?
- You have problems with digestion, belching, indigestion?
- Observe, zdf character of stool (constipation, diarrhea, discoloration, spots)?
- You will find zdf are severity under the right quadrant?
- Characteristic zdf you frequent headaches to migraines?
- Appears, zdf regularly you cough?
- Captured, zdf you have knee pain, elbow, hip, shoulder joints?
- Happened, zdf you have a sharp drop in the view?
- You wake up from a night of teeth grinding?
- You are constantly tormented by hunger, and you'll all the time want to eat?
- You notice skin rashes, allergies, itching on the skin?
- Have you noticed the formation of edema on the hands of helena his feet?
- You will quickly get tired from any physical helena mental work?
- You have diagnosed chronic diseases that are poorly treatable?
- Notice permanently helen at regular intervals, painful sensations in the abdomen helena in other organs?
- Blood tests show that there are changes in indicators of leukocytes, protein, eosinophils?
- Regularly you suffer itchy anus?
- Have you noticed similar symptoms with the other members of your family?
And count the resulting number of points and find the answer below.
0 – 6. You are rather healthy, although exactly say it is impossible, because in the initial stage of the parasites difficult to identify. Perform preventive anti parasitic cleansing your body.
7 – 17. There is a big probability, that the presence of parasites in the body. The recommended anti parasitic cleaning.
18 – 24. It seems that you are present several kinds of deworming. Need an anti parasitic cleaning!
25 — 42. If you are not consider on hypochondriac people helena spreading panic, then you have confirmed the presence of viruses. You can is strongly recommended, and just to be anti-parasitic destination.
The main thing – not to panic and contact a specialist.
Common signs, which indicate the presence of parasitic invasion (yeast infection), they become:
- brittle hair;
- fragility of nails;
- a rash on the skin;
- cough;
- cracks on the heels;
- increased irritability;
- excess helena missing weight;
- easy excitability;
- gnashing his teeth in his sleep, etc.
The symptoms of helminthiasis include:
- the smell from the mouth;
- the sharp smell of urine;
- the long absence of stools;
- loss of appetite;
- a substantial reduction in weight.
All of the above symptoms are relative, because they can be symptoms of various diseases.
They cannot replace the results of the laboratory examination of helena bioresonance survey, on the basis of which the attending physician with 100% certainty able to establish the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate medicine.
Cleaning, cleaning and cleaning again
Even if you are already sure that you "someone lives", not all as bad as it may seem.
There are effective ways and means for the removal of worming out of your body, and this:
- the transition to proper nutrition: cereals, honey (from Kandidov), dairy products with low % of fat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, representatives of the family of legumes, etc.;
- drink fresh juices, especially beet (from trichomonas, to life-herpes, bacteriosis), carrot, pomegranate;
- the use of spices in the cooking process, which have a wide range of anti parasitic action;
- the presence of bitterness in the diet;
- tinctures ginseng, Eleutherococcus, and even rose hips;
- healthy starvation;
- the use of drugs;
- the use of folk remedies.
These activities focus on changes in the acidic environment of the stomach, "dearly beloved" worms, on the alkaline, incompatible with their life.
When switching to PP (proper nutrition), the body will first be a "rebel" and demand the fried potatoes with meat, in the night, a bit of sugar with butter the bun and sweet tea.
Remember that this is a whim of the present of toxins, slag formation, parasitic on the pension.
With the onset of the PP occurs in the beginning of the cleansing.
In a clean body with no soil for their habitat and breeding conditions for full-fledged, comfortable existence.
In the transition to PP first, there is a worsening of well being, headache, craving for alcohol and other harmful habits, fatty and heavy food, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Know that it want its people-parasites. All of these characters there are before starting the recovery process.
But here is the important an individual approach. The pensioner is not suitable sharp rejection of the usual food, that becomes a "culinary adventure" for more than a young man. And temporary aggravation of ulcers at all may deter an adult patient from the desire to change something about your lifestyle. When young people perceive it as a temporary suffering in order to achieve the objectives of the remediation.
Gradually PP will lead to the transformation of your body:
- changes in the chemical composition of the cells;
- the restoration of tissues, damage as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle on new;
- calming the intestinal microflora.
The more polluted the body, the harder it will be to clean.

It is possible to repeat several times to obtain the complete result.
PP heals the body at the cellular level, the result of which increases the immunity of your body and its ability to heal itself from all functions.
Anti-parasitic diet
T. products are an essential factor on the subject of cleaning your body in preparation for cleaning it is necessary to exclude from the diet of certain foods:
- Sweets in any form and sugar: the sweet fruits to replace the sour, sweet and sour-sweet, dried fruit. In extreme cases it is possible to 1-2 tsp of honey. Adding to the tea of the herb stevia, is it possible to get a beverage 2 in 1: it's giving candy to drink and adds anti parasitic action.
- Dairy products, meat, fish. In exceptional cases, to reduce fish consumption to 2-3 times a week.
- White bread, pasta, butter pastries, cakes, sweet pastries, yeast products. A good substitute is black, unleavened, cereals, bread. Pasta with changes to the varieties of dark flour.
In the rest we get:
- Whole grain oatmeal, 1 once a day, because cooked food so he sees to acidification.
- Steamed, baked in the oven, steamed vegetables;
- The greens are useful any;
- Delicious drinks, which diversify the diet menu will become green smoothies.
- Raw vegetables, fruits, fresh juices, as well you in the period of cleansing.
- Clean drinking water in sufficient quantities.

If the proportion of these foods was previously in the menu to the minimum, then the transition to them should be smooth, gradual.
For the more advanced "cleaning" there is such a object, like a raw food diet.
After such a diet occurs alkalization of your body that is harmful to pathogens and parasites: their number shrink sometimes just from the practice of PP.
Use of a separate power supply to facilitate the digestion of food with the addition of the active rest, hiking, visits to the swimming pool, sauna, conducted the morning contrasting the soul — all this contributes to the rapid excretion of just accumulated "stuff" in the human body.
Don't forget about the sense of measures: make sure to be attentive to your health and reactions of your body to overdo it.
Well, if you manage to fully switch to PP and stay on it constantly.
If this is not possible, then spend at least 2 weeks of the preparatory phase prior to cancellation on the basis of a healthy diet.
If this method difficult for you, then it's worth it to torment neither themselves nor their "zoo", because only half, this will help, but only harm.
Not all parasites can be derived with the help of a healthy diet, although it is a very strong "kick" to them.
To speed up the process, in complex cases helena for the amplification effect, the following applies:
- medicinal products;
- folk recipes using herbs.
Pharmacy resources
All the healing, anti-parasitic drugs can be divided into 2 groups:
- with vegetable composition — a more favorable effect on the body, with minimal side effects (dietary Supplements);
- synthetic — aggressive, which give better results, more effective, which have side effects on the body.
In the 1 stage is the preliminary preparation of the digestive tract and biliary system to this effect against the available parasites, and that:
- removal of intestinal constipation;
- the removal of the spasm, which emerged in the result of the pernicious activities of pathogenic organisms.
It's necessary to measure the release path for the active substances.
In the bowel cleansing and the restoration of gallbladder the way you these plant components, such as:
- senna;
- tansy;
- extracts: aspen bark and garlic.
At this stage happens, and soft, but the destructive actions of worm organisms.
Action 2 phase is based on the ingredients with a powerful disastrous effects, active effect, which increased at the expense of carried out the preparatory phase:
- The extract of fennel; his etheric oils, providing a paralyzing effect on microbial organisms, further cleaning and reduces feelings of pain.
- Centaury, destructive action, which is doubled by silverweed, a powerful anti-parasitic plants. There will be destruction of small worms, paralysis of the large species.
- Their excretion from the organism through the continued intake 1 stage.
After the cleanse the body, it is necessary to:
- restore the microflora of the digestive tract;
- removal of toxicity exposure;
- the destruction of the remnants of the infectious organisms that come from hard to reach places.
This is possible using:
- ginger;
- oil of bergamot;
- cloves honey;
- for kalina.
- herbal components;
- security.
- individual intolerance of components, the components;
- the rate of intake;
- it is only suitable for a healthy gut and w/udělátena. cest.
Most often parasites will come out as a digestible substance, which can be discerned in the total mass. But if you witnessed the departure of all individuals, there is no need to worry – it is much better to the peaceful existence of the most serious pathogenic outbreaks in your body, providing a "bouquet" of a negative impact on the body from the inside.
After the use of anti-parasitic remedies are recommended to drink away a course of vitamins for the restoration and recovery of the whole organism.
Folk remedies
For lovers of the treat folk remedies there are many recipes for anti-parasitic cleanses, prepares on herbal ingredients:
- celandine;
- wormwood;
- tansy;
- nail;
- garlic and so on

The most common and widely known is the cleansing of the using pumpkin seeds, which will suit both young patients and adults; for the treatment or prevention of helminthiasis.
Pumpkin seeds
The seeds of pumpkin contain cucurbitina, which acts disabling impact on worming. Cease to be options to stick on the walls of internal organs and start the safe movement to the exit.
This tool can also be used in cases where there are contraindications to receive the drugs.
It is indicated for use:
- children;
- pensioners;
- patients with chronic diseases and during exacerbations;
- pregnant during the entire pregnancy;
- nursing moms.
Makes this product of the year is just priceless natural gift of the other content of useful substances in the form of:
- zinc;
- iron;
- manganese;
- copper;
- phosphorus;
- a complex of vitamins a, E, K;
- several kinds of amino acids.
The recommended intake per day as prevention:
- children under 12 years old – 0,75 gr.;
- from 12 years – 150 gr.;
- adult – 200 gr.
Dried helena fried pumpkin seeds taken on an empty stomach, clearing them from the skin, be sure to thoroughly swallowed whole. You can grind their pumpkin flour.
From the ingestion of completely gourd seeds therapeutic effect will not occur.
Over a few hours (2-3) you will need to take a laxative helena do an enema for excretion of deworming.
T. pumpkin seeds have a diuretic, choleretic and laxative effect, then, would be contraindicated in patients with:
- disorders of the stomach, helena intestines;
- pyelonephritis;
- inflammation of the bladder;
- dropfrom;
- renal failure.
- availability;
- security;
- not palocci;
- accepted by official medicine;
- it is suitable for the prevention;
- do not cause allergies.
- seed cleaning will require time, patience, perseverance.
For amplification of the anti-parasitic action, as well as to speed up the process of cleaning the seeds you can add other products.
- Med.
To 300 gr. peeled seeds add half a cup of warm water + 30 g. liquid honey (you can warm up in water bath). The consistency should be like thick cream. Obtained by the volume of eat in an hour, small portions, before breakfast. 3-4 hours is necessary the intake of a laxative. This recipe will suit children. - Milk.
1 cup unpeeled, fried seed mix with 1 cup of milk, whip in a blender. Take the place of breakfast, like smoothies. Over 1 hour after ingestion drink 1 glass of water, still over 1 hour to drink 2 to 3 glasses of water.Over 3 hours and take a laxative. This anti-parasitic method is suitable for pregnant. It not only saves you from the worms, but still:- increase the hemoglobin;
- slow decline vision;
- moderated by toxicosis,
- reduce the swelling;
- keeps the health of skin, hair, nails;
- will improve sleep.
- Garlic.
200 gr. uncleaned, toasted seeds + 5 — 6 cloves of garlic grind in a blender. Let it stand for 12-15 hours. Take 30 grams. 3 hours before a meal. A course of 4 days. Children it is possible to add honey. - Castor oil.
Need a 25 in the shell of the seeds, which should be swallowed, carefully chew before. Over an hour drunk 15 ml of oil castor oil. Repeat the procedure at regular intervals (approximately) 3 times. During the day comes out to 4 income. Course from 2 years to 3-days. - The dill seeds.
Prepare a tincture of dill seeds, let. Add crushed pumpkin seeds to density of liquid sour cream. Receive after fasting for 40 gr. of the product obtained. - Fresh juice from carrots.
In 1 glass of juice, add 50 oz. milled seeds. The intake on an empty stomach, 1 hour before the morning meal. Rate 25 days. Adults and children from 12 years it is possible to add 1 clove of garlic. - Pumpkin seed oil.
Is specified for intake of adults. 30 ml/day, for 20 min before a meal, 4 rv/day. - Pumpkin milk.
Cooked in home conditions, suitable for the reception children.

In the end
In this article we have tried to reveal the important topic of internal cleansing your whole body and the necessity of its content clean. Because on it depends our state of health and length of life, which with proper anti-parasitic cleansing has the property to increase from 15 to 25 years.
It's tempting, don't you think?