How to get rid of parasites: the best folk remedies

symptoms of parasites in the body

How to get rid of parasites is a question that can be resolved unequivocally: by going to the pharmacy and purchasing anthelmintic drugs. But this option is not suitable for everyone. Someone may face the risk of infection with helminths during a trip or while relaxing in the country, someone fundamentally prefers natural remedies to "chemicals", and someone does not tolerate it wellmedication. Fortunately, traditional medicine also offers effective recipes that will allow you to gently and safely cleanse parasites.

Important to remember

Before starting deworming, you must still consult a doctor who will determine the contraindications. Even folk remedies can harm you if you suffer from diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas, liver and kidneys, as well as hypertension.

A visit to the doctor is absolutely necessary if you are really not feeling well. If you experience fever, severe muscle pain, blood in the urine and seizures, do not self-medicate and seek medical attention immediately.

Folk remedies for parasites: before and after

Before you start using folk remedies for parasites, you need to cleanse the body. To do this, take Enterosgel for a week.

During cleansing (it doesn't matter what you choose - folk remedies for parasites or anthelmintic drugs), follow a diet. The basis of the diet should be vegetables, cereals and soups in weak broth. Fatty foods, dairy products and fermented milk products should be reduced to a minimum.

After deworming, the diet should be continued for 7-10 days. During this period, it is necessary to strictly adhere to hygiene rules, since the risk of parasitic reinfection in a weakened organism is increased.

Folk remedies for parasites: onions and garlic

Spicy vegetables are an excellent help in the fight against roundworms, pinworms, lamblia and even, as traditional medicine assures, they can fight bovine tapeworm.

Garlic - a proven natural doctor

garlic against worms
  • Raw garlic: A few cloves are consumed on an empty stomach in the morning for a week. Contraindicated in cases of gastritis and gallbladder dyskinesia!
  • Garlic decoction: Boil 5 large peeled cloves in a glass of milk for 10 minutes, leave for another 10 minutes, then strain. The decoction is consumed during the week - a spoonful before each meal.
  • Garlic Tincture for Giardiashown only to adults. Pour vodka over the peeled garlic cloves (200 ml of vodka per 50 grams of garlic) and leave for a week in a tightly closed dark glass container. Take 20 drops per spoonful of water before meals: 3 times a day, for 5 days.
  • Onion tincture: Chop a medium-sized onion, pour in the vodka (so that the pulp is "closed"). Leave for a week, filter. Take one tablespoon before meals twice a day – morning and evening – for 3 days.
  • Onion porridge: chop a medium onion, salt, add a little vegetable oil to the pulp. Eat the mixture in the evening for 5 days.
  • Garlic enema for pinworms: Boil a medium peeled head of garlic in a glass of milk until soft. Strain the broth, let it cool and do small enemas in the evening for a week.

Folk remedies for parasites: pumpkin

Pumpkin seeds have long established themselves as an effective natural remedy against pinworms and roundworms. In addition, they are rich in vitamins and microelements and are also able to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

pumpkin against pests

Pumpkin seeds - a proven remedy for parasites

  • Pumpkin seed paste: clean 100 grams of seeds, chop them, mix them with vegetable oil (0. 5 cups), leave to infuse overnight. Eat in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening prepare a new portion for the next morning. You need to consume this paste for 3 days. Take a break for 2 days and repeat the course for three days.
  • Honey Pumpkin Seeds: grind 40 grams of pumpkin, mix with a teaspoon of honey, eat the pulp on an empty stomach. After an hour, drink a laxative. The course of such treatment is similar - 6 days with a two-day break after the first 3 days.
  • Pumpkin seed decoction against worms: Grind half a kilo of seeds in a meat grinder along with the skin, add water (in a ratio of 2: 1) and boil for 2 hours over low heat in a water bath. Strain the broth, remove the oil film from the surface and drink on an empty stomach - in small doses for half an hour. After two hours, take a laxative.
  • Pumpkin seeds from bovine tapeworm. Traditional medicine claims that a mixture of pumpkin seeds and lingonberry juice will help in this case. On the eve of treatment, healers advise eating more salty foods. In the morning, on an empty stomach, take a paste of peeled and crushed pumpkin seeds mixed with cranberry juice. Stay in bed for two hours, then drink a laxative (castor oil is recommended) and move around a bit. The parasite should leave the body within 3 to 4 hours.

Folk remedies for parasites: herbs and spices

Herbs such as tansy and wormwood, as well as spices such as cloves and coriander, have proven themselves since ancient times in the fight against helminths.Herbal infusions are contraindicated during pregnancy!

herbs and spices against parasites

The best herbs against parasites are wormwood and tansy

  • Tansy infusion inside: Pour a glass of boiling water into 1 tablespoon of dried tansy inflorescences. Leave to infuse for an hour, filter, let cool and drink 4 tablespoons 3 to 4 times a day before meals.
  • Tansy infusion for enemas: pour boiling water over dry inflorescences (at the rate of 0. 5 cups of water per 1 teaspoon of grass). Leave to infuse for 3 hours. Filter, heat in a water bath to +36°C and do small enemas in the evening for a week.
  • Herbal remedy for worms. Pour boiling water over equal parts of dry inflorescences of tansy, chamomile and wormwood (one glass per tablespoon of raw materials). Leave to cool and drink on an empty stomach: a glass morning and evening, for 3 days.
  • Wormwood infusion against parasites. Pour boiling water (1. 5 cups) over 2 teaspoons of crushed wormwood and leave in a thermos overnight. Strain the bitter decoction and drink it before meals, dividing it into three doses over an hour and a half. Repeat the procedure every morning for 2-3 weeks.
  • Cloves against parasites. Grind dry cloves in a grinder or coffee grinder, take for 3 days, 10 minutes after meals. The first day - 0. 5 grams after each meal. The second day – 1 gram, the third – 1. 5 grams. Then take 1. 5 grams for another 6 days. Instead of cloves, you can use coriander.

How to avoid getting infected again

Preventing a disease, as they say, is easier than treating it. In order not to catch pinworms, lamblia, roundworms, echinococcus and other unwanted "parasites", you need to follow a few simple rules.

  • Avoid unwashed food and dirty water. Always wash your hands (especially after contact with the ground), as well as fruits and vegetables; Do not drink water from unknown sources.
  • Do not eat semi-cooked (and especially raw) meat and fish. They can contain pork tapeworm larvae, trichinella and other parasites, so always cook meat and fish thoroughly.
  • Wash your hands after contact with pets – cats and dogs. Pets can infect you with dipylidia, toxoplasmosis and other infections.
  • When traveling to tropical countries, stock up on hand sanitizers and antibacterial wipes. Do not walk barefoot or swim in unfamiliar bodies of fresh water.