The question of how to get rid of parasites in the body has become very topical.
The article describes what helminths are, where and how they get infected, how to get rid of parasites quickly and how to properly treat themselves at home.
How does the body get infected with parasites?
According to statistics, more than 4 billion people suffer from helminthiasis. Most types of parasites have lived in the human body for many years, practically nothing on their own, and the patient cancels out the discomfort due to poisoning with parasitic waste products for ordinary fatigue or problems with the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal.
So why do so many people suffer from helminthiasis? The main problem is that even a very wealthy person who observes personal hygiene will not be difficult to "catch" the parasites. Parasites often appear in children because they have not fully developed their hygiene skills.
The most common options for infecting the body:
- alimentary route of infection - parasites enter the human body through food, water and dirty hands;
- household contact - infection through contact with household items and through contact with infected households or animals;
- transmissible - infection with parasites through the blood in case of insect bites;
- percutaneous - the larvae penetrate the skin when in contact with the ground or when swimming in bodies of water.
Usually, the parasites enter the human body through the mouth. Especially often in this way, helminths appear in children who, for example, play in the sandbox, and then put dirty fingers in their mouths.
To prevent infection of the body in this way, you should strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene and carefully monitor that the child eats only washed fruits and vegetables.
Please note that the eggs of the worms are covered with a sticky compound, due to which they adhere firmly to the surfaces, so you should wash the food well before cooking or eating it.
There is a fairly common disease - giardiasis. It becomes infected by drinking untreated water from the network or by swallowing water from an open tank.
Dogs and cats carry more than a dozen dangerous parasites. If the family has pets, you should pay attention to the prevention of infection with parasites: to vaccinate the animals and after walking on the street, be sure to wash their paws.
There are certain types of insects (mosquitoes and flies) that carry the eggs of parasites and protozoa.
Parasites can enter the human body through the skin. For example, when walking barefoot on the beach, vacationers risk becoming infected with hookworm: helminth larvae enter the bloodstream through the skin, and then into the small intestine.
A disease called schistosomal dermatitis (swimmer's itch) has become widespread.
You can get infected with this type of parasite by swimming in a pond, where the feces of a sick person have ended up in poorly treated drains.
There is a high risk of contracting parasites from consuming poorly processed foods.
Especially dangerous is beef and pork - cattle and pigs carry parasites such as tapeworm in cattle and pork.
The disease caused by these parasites is called cysticercosis. The presence of the parasite can be determined by checking the carcass in special laboratories.
With extreme caution, you should eat the meat of wild animals, for example, wild boars, bears - they can live with the bacteria Trichinella, which causes trichinosis.
The disease is often fatal. Experts warn that one should not only beware of meat, but also be careful when buying lard.
Types of helminths
There are many worms that can parasitize the human body. The most common types of helminths should be considered.
Roundworms live in the small intestine, the length of the parasite is 15-40 cm. The eggs of these parasites leave the body with the feces and are found in the soil, which is why you should rinse the vegetables from the beds well before serving.
This type of parasite causes allergic reactions, internal bleeding, disrupts the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, causes general weakness and decreased performance.
Pinworms enter the human body through contact and daily life. The length of adults is 4 to 12 mm. One of the most characteristic symptoms of enterobiasis is itching in the anus.
Trichocephalosis (infection with whipworms) is characterized by symptoms such as seizures, frequent migraines, sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal problems (diarrhea, constipation, nausea, in severe cases, vomiting).
Trichinella are slender worms 4 to 5 mm long. Their body infection occurs through poorly processed pork or poultry meat.
Symptoms of the disease: the face becomes swollen, fever appears, muscle pain.
A few days after infection, the temperature rises sharply, sometimes it becomes painful to blink. Trichinosis can even be fatal.
The bovine tapeworm is a long worm that can reach up to 10 m in length. The worm can appear in the body of a person who consumes undercooked meat.
The danger of infection exists for housewives who taste minced meat while cooking. The disease causes headaches, dizziness, vomiting, and appetite problems.
Wide tapeworm - the length of the worm can reach 15 m, which is dangerous for the organisms of those who consume poorly processed river fish.
Typical manifestations of infection are the appearance of cracks or shiny spots on the tongue. Symptoms of diphyllobothriasis are mild - it can be salivation, weakness, trouble sleeping, etc.
Infection of the body with dwarf tapeworm (the length of adult worms is only 3-5 cm) often occurs in public places.
Hymenolepiasis causes a general decrease in performance, stomach problems, and even seizures.
Echinococcus is a parasitic organism, infection occurs through contact with cats and dogs. Its length is 5-6 mm.
Helminths can affect any organ of the body, respectively, the clinical picture will be different in each case.

Sometimes, only surgery can get rid of this parasite in the body.
The Siberian fluke is a small worm 4 to 13 mm long. The parasite enters the body by eating cooked fish without sufficient heat treatment.
Opisthorchiasis gives a high temperature, which can last for several months, jaundice and gastrointestinal problems may appear.
How do worms appear?
There are many symptoms that indicate the presence of parasites in the body.
It is worth sounding the alarm if a person suddenly begins to lose weight without restricting himself to food - this is one of the sure signs of the appearance of helminths in the body.
Heavy weight gain, in which diets are powerless, can also indicate the presence of parasites in the body.
If, for no good reason, insomnia and performance problems appeared, you quickly began to tire, headaches became more frequent, an allergy developed that had never occurred before, then you absolutely have to go to the clinic so that a specialist can diagnose the presence of worms in the body.
Stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation, and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract can also indicate the appearance of parasites in the body.
So, the following signs may indicate the appearance of worms in the body:
- disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract - frequent diarrhea and constipation, abdominal pain, most often in the navel, periodic vomiting, bloating;
- problems with the central nervous system - dizziness, nausea, migraines, fever, sometimes fever;
- allergy - itchy skin, rash, cough appear;
- decreased immunity - chronic diseases may worsen, diseases of the nasopharynx or problems with the reproductive system may appear.
If you notice any signs of a worm infection in your home, be sure to take the time to go to the doctor.
A professional will walk you through the best way to get rid of parasites and tell you what medications should be used to solve your specific problem.
Choosing the right medication will make your treatment more effective and speed up your recovery.
By the way, it is important to remember that if a person in the family is infected with parasites, there is a high probability of their detection in the body of the rest of the household. In such situations, doctors advise each member of the family to have an examination and prophylaxis.
How to treat helminthiasis with drugs?
If the suspicion of the presence of parasites in the body has been confirmed by tests, it is time to think about how to get rid of worms.
The appearance of parasites in the body can lead to serious health problems, so the only option is to seek treatment as soon as possible.
Most often, doctors suggest getting rid of parasites in the body with medication. The most suitable drug for removing parasites from the body will be recommended by a specialist.
Antiparasitic agents treat enterobiasis, ascariasis, necatorosis, toxoplasmosis. Various side effects are possible, eg allergies, insomnia, diarrhea, migraines.
Treatment of parasites at home
Few people like to go to the clinic again and stand in line for an appointment with a doctor, so the question of how to get rid of parasites at home is relevant. In addition to drug therapy, you can treat parasites and traditional methods.
There are a huge number of ways to get rid of parasites in the human body without resorting to pharmacological drugs:
- onion tincture: chopped onion is mixed with vodka, pour the mixture into a half-liter jar, insist for 10 days. After the onion has been removed from the tincture and the liquid taken at the rate of two tablespoons before meals;
- onion broth: finely chopped onions should be mixed with water and boiled. Dosage: 50 - 100 ml 2-3 times a day before meals;
- tincture of horseradish and garlic: chopped horseradish and garlic are mixed with vodka (25 grams of each component), let it brew for 10 days. Dosage: 3 times a day before meals;
- enema with a decoction of garlic: mix 2 crushed garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons of tansy and half a liter of milk, boil the resulting composition for 10 minutes, then cool the broth and make an enema 2times a day. Need to organize a weekly class
Garlic is very popular among people.
There are several recipes for using it:
- soften the garlic in the oven and put on the navel for an hour. You can take a few cloves of garlic softened inside;
- a few hours before bedtime, make enemas with grated garlic and mixed with water;
- apply finely chopped garlic to your feet throughout the day. When walking, the juice is released from the garlic and, absorbed through the skin, enters the blood;
- for the treatment of worms in children, a mixture of grated garlic with boiled milk helps. It is recommended to take such a "cocktail" 2 times a day, 400 ml.
Do not get carried away with folk remedies, because modern medicine has a huge arsenal of various pharmacological drugs that allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of parasites.