Infection of the body with parasites occurs in different ways and often leads to many unpleasant consequences. There are many ways to get rid of helminthiasis. Some of them involve the use of specialized drugs, but folk remedies for worms cannot be less effective.
The main advantage of non-traditional treatment is its availability and the ability to choose an anthelmintic agent based on available natural ingredients, familiar and common food products that best suit individual preferences.
Worms: causes and modes of infection
Parasites living in the human body are divided into groups: soil-transmitted helminths, biohelminths, contact worms. All of them cause a variety of illnesses, which are collectively referred to as "helminths".
Most human helminths live in the digestive tract, where the most favorable conditions for their stay and reproduction are created. However, there are also extra-intestinal helminths living in the lungs, muscles, and liver.
The main route of infection is oral and fecal. The entry of parasites into the body is through the consumption of contaminated meat, fish, crustaceans, contact with domestic animals acting as carriers.

The spread of individuals is often done by repeated ingestion of helminth eggs. Strict adherence to personal hygiene rules eliminates the risk of re-infection. The main symptoms of the presence of worms are:
- increased salivation, joint and muscle pain;
- digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting);
- asthenia, allergic reactions, fatigue;
- anemia, a sharp decrease in body weight;
- prolonged cough of unknown origin;
- insomnia, irritability, dermatosis.
These and other signs, associated with reduced immunity, enlarged lymph nodes, gas, may indicate the presence of parasites. To check physical condition and confirm concerns, it is recommended to undergo an enzyme immunoassay, ie. i. e. take a blood test to detect the presence of harmful creatures in the body.
Folk remedies for worms
The general sequence of treatment with alternative methods is in many ways similar to usual drug therapy. It helps to eliminate any kind of worms. It should be remembered here: some recipes and substances affect only certain types of parasites, others remove accumulated toxins and at the same time cleanse internal organs.

Bitter foods are poorly tolerated by parasites. Therefore, the simplest and most affordable remedy for an independent fight against helminthiasis is the use of a large number of spices: dry ginger, cloves, ground pepper, cinnamon, as well as garlic, horseradish, onions, mustard.
It is important to adhere to a specific diet throughout your home treatment.
It is necessary to exclude from the diet flour products, sweets, fried and smoked foods. The basis of diet nutrition should be fruits, various fermented dairy products, vegetables and grains. Herbal teas with the addition of herbs such as wormwood, mint and thyme are very useful.
Pumpkin seeds
Another way to treat anthelmintics is to eat pumpkin seeds. Due to cucurbitin, which is part of the composition, which has a destructive effect on various pests, the seeds are used to get rid of worms and to prevent their subsequent appearance. Since the greatest amount of cucurbitin is contained in the thinner film that connects the pit and the outer shell, the seeds are eaten unpeeled. For the purposes of prophylaxis, adults are advised to eat one hundred grams per day, children 70. In addition, enemas from decoctions of pumpkin seeds contribute to the elimination of parasites.

Cleanse Mix Recipe: crush 200 g of raw seeds in a blender, mix them with a glass of milk. This "cocktail" should be drunk on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. One hour after taking - take a teaspoon of castor oil, drink a glass of water or green tea. The course of treatment is from three days to a week.
Another recipe:
- Grind 500 grams of seeds in a blender / meat grinder.
- Pour 2 liters of water and leave on fire until the liquid has completely evaporated.
- Strain the broth, remove the oil film from the surface.
Take the broth on an empty stomach, in small portions for half an hour. Two hours after use, a saline laxative is prescribed. For constipation, it is advisable to consume 0. 5 kg of raw pumpkin pulp per day. Pumpkin seeds and juice - have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent infection with worm larvae.
Garlic and onion
No less effective folk remedies for helminths are often familiar foods. These include common garlic, which has a pronounced anthelmintic effect due to the presence of phytoncides and special essential oils.
To prepare medicinal garlic oil you will need: garlic juice (500 grams) and 1 liter of unrefined vegetable oil. The composition is infused for 2 weeks in a cool place.

The decanted oil is filtered and poured into a sealed container made of blackened glass. You need to take oil on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. It is worth noting that garlic oil is not swallowed, but remains in the mouth for 10 to 15 minutes. After that, he spits. This procedure is repeated up to 4 times a day until the worms are completely destroyed.
A variety of onion tinctures, as well as decoctions of hulls, are also widely used. They help get rid of all types of parasites. Onion infusion is prepared from a finely chopped onion head, which is poured into 1. 5 liters of water. The mixture itself is infused for ten days. The drink is taken orally, one tablespoon twice a day.
Walnuts have pronounced anthelmintic characteristics. To get rid of parasites, you need to eat 10-15 fresh nuts (with bitter veins). You can also prepare a tincture of walnut peel: pour 300 g of green peel with boiling water. Insist for three days. Tincture is drunk in 200-250 ml within 30 minutes before meals. You can insist on crushed grains in grape wine, mix them with honey and sugar.
Carrot juice
Fresh carrot juice is extremely gentle and delicate on the body. The enzymes, microelements, essential components contained in the juice eliminate helminths and increase immunity. The therapeutic effect is given by the use of 2-3 glasses of juice per day.
It is allowed to add honey or lemon juice to it. For greater effectiveness, you can mix carrot juice with mint, buckthorn bark, tansy flowers. The mixture of herbs should be mixed with juice and steep for 20 minutes.
Herbal medicine for helminthiasis
In the practice of traditional medicine, inflorescences of various plants are also used, among which a special place istansy.It contains useful organic acids, flavonoids, essential oils. The flowers are harvested at the start of the flowering period. They are used to remove pinworms, roundworms, as a choleretic agent. Tansy is contraindicated in children, pregnant women.
The inflorescences are dried and crushed to a powder state. Medicinal mixture is prepared from 1/3 tsp. tansy and 1 tbsp. honey. It is taken half an hour before meals 2p. in one day. The total duration of admission is 3 days.
Mugwort.On the basis of this herb, an effective tincture is made which helps to remove harmful parasites from the body. For this, pumpkin seeds and crushed wormwood leaves are mixed in equal parts.

All of this is filled with 3 servings of alcohol / vodka, and steeped for a week in a warm, bright place. Drinking the tincture is recommended twice a day. The duration of treatment can be up to three weeks.
Immortalhelps get rid of parasitic worms. Broth is prepared from 2 tbsp. herbs and two glasses of boiling water. The solution is poured into a thermos, infused for at least a day. The liquid is filtered before use.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to take half a glass half an hour before meals. Frequency rate - 4 rubles / day. This folk recipe is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pregnant and lactating women.
Removal of worms with folk remedies
Yarrow.20 grams of chopped grass is poured with vodka (½ cup), after which it is infused for two weeks. It is necessary to take twenty drops 3 rubles / day. The duration of treatment is two weeks. All types of alcoholic tinctures are contraindicated in gastric pathologies, hypertension.
Garlic with horseradish.To cure ascariasis will help a tincture of garlic with horseradish in a ratio of one to one, which is poured into an alcoholic solution. It is taken on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.
Pomegranate peel.Pomegranate skin eliminates tapeworms well. The bark is washed and filled with boiling water. Dosage - 5 ml, frequency of administration - 3 rubles / day.
Avran is medicinal.Quickly relieves tapeworm from the tape - a decoction of Avran leaves. For this, 400 ml of boiling water is poured into 4 grams of dried herbs. The mixture is boiled for 25 minutes, cooled and filtered.

To achieve the desired result, you need to take 5 ml every 20 minutes. all day long.
Coriander seeds.A fairly gentle way to combat parasitic infections is by using coriander seeds. They are crushed and fried beforehand. You need to eat them on an empty stomach for 1 tbsp.
Important! If during the treatment of helminthiasis with traditional methods the well-being deteriorates, side reactions appear, you should stop using the funds and seek advice from a specialist. The doctor will order the examination necessary to detect helminthic invasion and give the appropriate recommendations.