Assault of the human your body of worms and parasites is quite common in today's world. Worm invasion – a disease accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms. Parasites suck from the cells and tissues of your body the nutrients and vitamins, and a person gets a variety of health problems. Treatment of the parasites to perform effectively with the help of folk remedies. Are lower than on the speed of action of the drug medications, but do not have any side effects on the body.
In order to protect themselves from worms and parasites, it is necessary to know the sources of possible infection:

- Dirty hands. Hands must be washed with soap after each visit to the street and toilet. This act is effective, but does not guarantee no risk, because in the course of your life with people constantly contact with various things and objects. For example, in public transport must hold on to the railing, in the store, sorting paper notes.
- Insects. Bead flies and mosquitoes are carriers of the larvae of the parasites. So in the summer the windows and doors of your dwelling should be closed blackout curtains and food to leave on the nature, and set the covers and a towel.
- Water. Often in the unboiled liquid can inhabit a variety of egg parasites, so the water before drinking it is necessary to always cook.
- The fur is allowed. Sweethearts, living in apartments, it is necessary to occasionally wash it regularly and comb of their coat.
- Some of the food. Vegetables and fruit need to be before drinking to rinse well. On the shelves in the store should not take on the weight of the peeled nuts and sunflower seeds.
Symptoms of parasites in the body
About the availability in the body of the parasites say the following symptoms:
- Constipation. Some of the worms that reach a large size, preferring the bile and intestinal ducts, and prevents the normal process of defecation.
- Diarrhea. Microorganisms are able to excrete substances that dilute the stool.
- Flatulence and bloating. Penetrates into the inner part of the small intestine, intestinal worms cause inflammatory reactions in the body.
- The intestinal cramps. When parasitism of microorganisms fat, entering from the food, absorbed much worse. For this reason, the fatty deposits build up on the walls of the intestines and cause a convulsive reaction.
- Feelings of pain in the joints and in the muscles. Often the parasites settle in the muscles and joint fluid. The immune system is trying to fight with uninvited residents. In the course of this struggle a man feels pain, similar to arthritis.
- Allergies. The waste products of the worms exposed to attack from the immunity by a private defense cells and eosinophils. In the absence of the formulation of the last, the body begins to poison. In humans they begin to manifest a variety of allergic reactions.
- Skin rashes. Parasitic presence not rarely becomes the cause of dermatitis, eczema, papillomas and ulcers on the skin.
- Anemia. Intestinal parasites are able to connect to the mucous membrane of the intestines the intestines and suck out of her part of the nutrients. Sometimes the meal worms can consist of blood cells, which carry with them significant blood loss and is able to trigger anemia.
- Excessive helena the lack of weight of your body. The fullness indicates that the parasites consume primarily glucose and poison the body abundant food of life. When severe thinness is patients violated the process of metabolism.
- Irritability and anxiety. Worms produce toxic: waste that disrupt the nervous system and have a depressing effect on a person.
- Violation of sleep. About 2 – 3 hours in the night the liver will fire that have accumulated parasitic toxins. Most often at this time of the eggs of the worms collected in anusnymi passage and irritates its mucosa. The anus begins to itch and 't complain.
- Gnashing of the teeth during sleep. The toxic effects of parasites interferes with the nervous system of the body.
- Chronic fatigue. The syndrome arises when the lack of nutrients in the body, as a result of their use of parasites.
- Oncology. Long residence of microorganisms in the human body leads to disruption in the functioning of certain organs and tissues.
- Violation of breathing. If during the movement of the body, the parasites get into the respiratory tract, then the patient develops symptoms such as cough, runny nose and high temperature. Developed by asthma helena pneumonia may also indicate the presence in the body of worms.
In a patient observed increased appetite and unsurpassed flavor of the sweet and flour. Often the symptoms is accompanied by headaches, nausea, and is not a pleasant smell from the mouth. From exhaustion and pooping of the nervous system in the infected appear specific dark circles under the eyes.

Folk recipes and remedies against parasites
The juice of garlic
Garlic contains the stopping dose of volatile production. This substance has various kinds of microorganisms and carries them out. For obtaining the results needed to adhere to the following scheme use of: not less than 3 times per day to ingest 5 drops of garlic juice. It is advisable to do it in an hour before a meal. After a week the dosage can be increased up to 7 drops.
There is also an effective remedy against worms and parasites – in a glass of sour milk add a finely chopped clove of garlic, 1 tsp of ground black pepper. Mix and drink in one gulp in an hour before a meal. Procedure to carry out in the course of 5 days.
Decoctions of walnut wood
Kernels of walnuts are rich in essential oils – to eugenol, which has a destructive effect on the parasitic individuals. The core of the walnut is necessary to grind (need to get a spoon) and add to a glass of wine. The mixture should take at least 3 weeks. The finished tincture take 3 – 5 tablespoons before meals. The amount of daily intake should not exceed 5 times.
In the pharmacy he bought 5 gg dry powder, cloves and poured a glass of boiling water. For 1 minute, heated the mixture on a water bath, and then the infusion of no less than 30 minutes. Teaspoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals and a decoction need to be consumed inside.
Tip! It is necessary to daily preparing fresh broth of cloves, as of his composition quickly evaporated active substance.
Tincture of fox
Foxes – unique mushrooms. In them is contained the killing of parasites substance Hainanese. They are used exclusively tincture of these mushrooms. Clean the fresh mushrooms it is necessary to insist, for about two weeks on the alcohol. Eat a teaspoon before bedtime for a period of 7 days.
The tincture and the powder of the seeds of tansy
It is necessary to boil 2 tablespoons of dried flowers of tansy, and pour in 1 l. boiled water. Take about an hour. The rules for receiving the finished tincture:
- adults need to take before meals no less than 3 times a day for 1/2 cup;
- kids in the same mode after one spoonful.
Help! In pharmacies you can purchase a more powerful remedy against worms – the powder from the seeds of tansy. It is necessary to use twice a day before meals: adults spoon, children – on the floor of a tea spoon.
Tincture of wormwood
1 tbsp of wormwood dissolved with 100 ml of alcohol and insist in a dark place for about 14 days. The finished tincture is necessary to drink 3 times a day for 20 — 30 min before a meal for 15 — 20 drops.

Crushed pumpkin seeds
In the seeds of pumpkin contains threat for parasites substance – cucurbitina, which has crippling effects. 300 peeled pumpkin seeds ground and mixed with water helena honey in the ratio of 1:1. Fasting drink a glass of the mixture. Then, what is it to eat 3 hours and have a laxative agent.
Carrot juice
Tops and seeds of carrots contain substances, acts on the parasites on their cellular level.
Carrot juice will be more useful in combination of all the parts of the carrots. The juice you can drink anytime during the day, but no more than 2 glasses a day. The greatest efficiency of the juice helps with the reception in the morning on an empty stomach. The course is adoption of the week. For the determination of the outcome of treatments carried out over 14 days.
Garnet bark
In the peel of the pomegranate contains a unique substance – pellerin. It kills all kinds of microorganisms.
Help! Pellerin recognized as the official anthelmintic drug. The concentration of this substance in a 0.01% is able to completely destroy all the parasites and their larvae.
To prepare the therapeutic infusion of a fee of 50 gg fresh crusts pomegranate and pour 400 ml. boiling water. The resulting mixture insist for 6 hours and then boiled until the volume of the infusion drops in half.
The scheme of application of therapeutic agents from pomegranate crusts:
- small sips of the volume of the resulting infusion is necessary to drink during one hour;
- after drinking wait 30 minutes and take a laxative;
- during the 4 hours to consume food and liquids;
- to complete the procedure of sweeping the enema.
Tincture of ginger root
Contained in ginger root, cineol, brilliant and vanillic acid, are unbearable substances for parasites. 500 gg grated root pour 500 ml of vodka and insist, for a period of 15 days, with each day shaken the capacity with the tincture. Take a half an hour before a meal a teaspoon 3 times a day.
Medium bulb you need to cut it into small cubes and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist day, and drink a floor of a cup in the morning empty stomach and half cup before bedtime. Course intake – one week with breaks in 10 days.
A small root of horseradish you have to grate on a small grater and squeeze from it the juice. Before taking tablespoons of the juice dissolved in a glass of boiled water. Use during 5 – 7 days before each meal.
Into a thermos 500 ml of boiling water put 2 tablespoons of dry grass cinquefoil goose. To help it settle a day, strain it, divide into 4 equal parts. Eat as follows:
- adults in the course of 10 consecutive days should take ½ a cup of potions to 1 hour before meals;
- children at the same time, should be consumed 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Economic soap
The soap solution kills all the bacteria on the skin and do not allow their penetration inside. It is necessary to wash hands with soap after each visit to the street and around the toilet. After a bowel movement soap solution must be rinsed back passage. Such a procedure is to kill all the parasites and their eggs accumulated in the anus.
Soda can be used for combating parasites on the outside and taking the inside:
- Outwardly. 2 tbsp dissolve in 700 ml of warm boiled water. This liquid to do an enema once a day for a whole week.
- Inside. For a cup of warm boiled water to charge 1 hr. l. soda. The solution is drunk on an empty stomach. Before taking 10 minutes, it is necessary to drink a glass of water simple.
Coriander seeds
A handful of the seeds warm up in a frying pan without oil and ground in a coffee grinder also coffee. In the course of 4 – 6 days powder is added to food helena drinks and consume after 1 year of 3 times a day.
Watermelon seeds and milk
Cook the watermelon seeds from the calculation of the milk 1:10. Grind in a blender and mix with milk. Empty stomach drink one glass means in the course of the week.
The seeds of papaya contain caritin, which effectively removes different types of worms. A teaspoon of powder of the seed is bred in a glass of water helena milk. In the early hours before meals this drug is taken during the 7 – 10 days.
Black walnut

Contains a large amount of anti-fungal and anti-parasitic substances. Contained in the fruit juglone, has an iodine fragrance, insect repellent microorganisms. Walnut is also combines a variety of tannins, ascorbic acid, folic acid, organic acids and flavonoids.
The easiest to purchase Supplements, with a black nut to crack in the pharmacy. Intake of them carried out according to the following schedule: seven days of reception, then a break for seven days, and so 4 times.
The preventive measures! Black walnut is able to reduce the pressure, so patients with hypertension should be set to receipt: 1 capsule a day and gradually lead to the recommended by the manufacturer of the dose. The black walnut can not be used as a medicine in pregnancy and in lactation period.
Tips for effective use of folk remedies
For that treatment against the parasites brought the maximum benefit, it is necessary to observe the following recommendations:
- Some of the herbs it is better to cook, while others insist in cold boiled water. To clarify this point in advance.
- The Brew pot should be just to the enameled helena glass containers.
- Best to use fresh decoction of the plant, for a period of not more than one day.
- Cannot for the preparation of the herbal extracts used in the microwave.
- No need to add to the toppings and tea, sugar to improve the taste characteristics such as sugar interferes with the healing properties of medicines.
The advantages of folk remedies
The undoubted advantage of the use of folk remedies from worms and parasites, is this, that decoctions and tinctures based on them contain only natural herbal ingredients. When used properly, they do not cause allergic reactions and are absolutely harmless for the human body. In addition, the negative consequences of folk remedies virtually absent.
Medicines and folk remedies not only kill parasites and lead them towards the outside, but also have a healing effect on the following body systems s. r. o:
- normalize the microflora of the intestines and the drug dysbiosis, which appeared on the background of parasitic life;
- they have an antibacterial effect on the entire body;
- restores the dysfunctional metabolic processes;
- contribute to the strengthening of immunity.
Cured of worms and parasites with the help of folk remedies can be sufficiently quickly and efficiently. To do this you need only adhere to the dosage use as medicines and assured that there is no at them an allergic reaction. If when you use this or that device in the patient will start to show no specific symptoms, course, treatment should be stopped and seek the advice of an expert.